Letting go, inviting in…
When trees let go of their leaves, they are managing their energy for the months ahead, conserving valuable resources when times are tough. Letting go allows the wind to blow through
Equinox: Recharge and celebrate
This Thursday, 23rd September marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere – the autumn equinox, where there is (almost) an equal amount of light
For the ‘time beings’
I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks of September as the start of the year. New stationery, new intentions, new projects. This year, my intention is to
The Power of generative attention – Rob Booth
A group of theology students were set a task by their lecturer. They had one hour to write a sermon that they would then deliver to an audience. They could
A question of attention
In April I shared an article about spacious questions, how they leave room for reflective thinking, liberate our creativity and honour the experience and emergent understanding of our coachees. Spacious
Great expectations…
What can I expect from a coaching and mentoring programme? This is a question I’ve been very happy to answer a few times this week. Of course, there’s
Outdoor Coach coaching cards: share your ideas!
Let’s use this space to inspire one another! How have you used the Outdoor Coach coaching cards? Did you take them outdoors with you for inspiration? Or were
Live the questions…
I love the spaciousness of open moorland. For me, there’s something really freeing about the expanse; I feel it physically (relaxed shoulders, deeper breathing, broader stance), mentally (I am present,