Reflective questions for autumn
The signs of autumn that we see in the natural world are dramatic reminders that the world is always in a state of change.
When trees let go of their leaves, they are managing their energy for the months ahead, conserving valuable resources when times are tough. Letting go allows the wind to blow through the tree’s branches, putting less strain on the tree and helping it stay strong and stable through the winter.
1. What small changes have made an important difference for you this year/month/week?
2. What will you choose to let go as we move towards shorter days and longer nights?
We live in a world which is fast-paced, full of short sharp video clips, sound bites and too many competing priorities. Savouring offers us the opportunity to spend time with experiences, to let them dwell in us and if we hold them lightly, the opportunity to learn from them too. I invite you to slow down. Take time. Find the ground and appreciate the fulness of whatever experiences you enjoy today – whether that the cooler air in our nostrils, the sounds of the squelchy grass, the geese flying overhead, smell of a casserole cooking. Allow yourself to be totally present.
1. What will you choose to savour from the year, month or week just passed?
2. Notice the change in rhythm and energy as the days shorten.
4. Where will choose to dwell for just a little longer?
At this time of year, we can really notice has ripened – we can take stock of what we grown over the previous months and year and appreciate the fruits of our labour.
1. What do you notice ripening now?
2. What are you grateful for?
3. To whom or what would you like to offer thanks?
4. What will you nurture and preserve to see you through the coming months?
Do let me know how you enjoyed these questions.
I’ll be facilitating a Winter Solstice Reflections workshop on 16th December 2pm – 3.30pm on Zoom. We’ll be inspired by what nature offers and as a group, spend the time thoughtfully, supportively and creatively with questions to guide us through winter.